Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday ride

Did an awsome ride on Sunday. The weather was amazing, so I decided to go for a ride. A friend and I decided we where going to ride through the Palisades in New Jersey. This would be about a 18 mile ride. So I met up with my friend in Fort Lee Historic Park and we began our ride. There was more bikers out then i have ever seen before, and we found out the Bike MS ride was going trough there as well.

So we rode till about 11:30 and my friend had to leave, I decided that I was not ready to head back yet so I figured I would tag along with the MS riders for a little while. I ended up doing the the rest of the MS 100 ride, biking through Nyack up to Congers, NY. I ended up getting back to NYC with just enough time to eat something and go strait to work.

So my ride ended up being 82 miles. And then work from 5pm -12am. And then ride back to Brooklyn. Here is the ride:

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